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Small Mice (16 count per package)  13 - 18  grams each


$39 flat rate shipping to the 48 Continental US no matter the size of your order 


RRR Feeders takes great pride in our frozen feeder products offering the highest quality in the reptile feeder industry!  


RRR Feeders packaging is one of the best in the industry, all frozen rodents come on a foam meat tray in a vacume sealed package. In our orginal package the product will stay fresh for 2+ years if properly stored. Each package has the date it was frozen written on it so you know ezctaly how old that package is.  unlike our competiors our frozen feeders dont stick to one another, you can easly pull apart one feeder from the rest. lastly our packge of frozen feeders come in a relatively flat packege not an akward bag of rodents like our competitors making them easy to stack and fit in your freezer. 


At RRR Feeders we take nutrition and care of our feeder rodents very seriously, becuse after all what our rodents eat your snake eats. All our rodenst are feed the highest quality rodent feed (mazuri 6F) as a staple diet but also recive several nutritional supplments. All rodents are raised in a clean, sterile, humane enviroment  and are treated as humanely as possible in life and death. RRR Feeders raises all ourt own rodents in house so we can maintain this level of quality. 


All frozen feeders are individually weighed to guarantee exact sizing specifications.


All RRR Feeders frozen feeders are humanely euthanized using carbon dioxide (CO2), as recommended by the American Veterinary Medical Association panel on euthanasia.

Small Mice (16 count)

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    "RRR Feeders we are not the biggest, Just the BEST!"

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    2102 Milton Ave Des Moines, Iowa, 50317

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